On February 24th, Russia launched a brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Except for China and a few Russian allies, the world has condemned this attack. The Russian strategy, harkening... read more →
The past year witnessed very strong performance in North America’s equity markets. As measured in Canadian dollars, the S&P 500 delivered a 28% total return in the United States while... read more →
The concept of responsible investing has become front and centre for many investors. While Rempart has followed a responsible investing approach for many years, we want to share our philosophy... read more →
The world is slowly emerging from the global COVID-19 pandemic, although the recovery will be uneven with the prospect of deadly variants looming in the background. Still, for much of... read more →
The COVID-19 pandemic has entered its second year, with the new variants pressuring global health care systems and governments responding with varying degrees of lockdowns. While it can be difficult... read more →
Despite central bankers’ best attempts to tame the business cycle, economies continue to gyrate in cycles of boom and bust. During a growth period, many speculate when the next downturn... read more →
The social and economic impact of COVID-19 has dominated capital market performance over the past nine months. The severe and rapid decline in global equity markets in February and March... read more →
Since we last wrote you, the coronavirus has raged on around the world. We have witnessed a wide variety of responses from governments everywhere. The approaches taken, and success rates... read more →
Over the past three months, the coronavirus has had an unprecedented impact on the world and financial markets. At the time of this writing, the pandemic remains on the rise,... read more →
With the decade ending on December 31, 2019, we look back over the past ten years to see how the various financial markets performed. The U.S. equity market handily outperformed... read more →